Tips And Tricks Secrets How To Play Pokemon GO Most Convenient

Secret Tips and Tricks How to Play Pokemon GO Most Convenient from the start - Yo what's up friends , this time How Beta will share tips and secret tricks to play Pokemon Go. Maybe some of you have heard some of these tricks , but certainly among just know the tips and tricks below.

Many players are already establishing a position in the top level , not a few who are still confused by the procedures playing Pokemon Go. Some terminology such as Pokestop , Pokeball , Gym, and Candy was still questionable .

Tips And Tricks Secrets How To Play Pokemon GO

Here's How to Play " Pokemon Go" :

1. Playing Poke Ball yours before making the throw.

When you want to catch Pokemon You have found, we recommend creating a small circle around the Pokeball to make rotating, so too you can get extra XP.

2. Icon footprints

Figure foot shows how close you are to the Pokemon. Three foot shows that meraka beradaa within a radius of 300-500 meters. While the sign of the palms indicate that they are about 100 meters away.

3. Tap and hold him in advance pokeball.

So that you do not spend too much Pokeball when they want to catch Pokemon, we recommend you to mengetuh and hold a Pokeball first. Tap and hold will show a green circle around Pokemonn. The circle will change the size of the smaller to make it easier to get the Pokemon.

4. A yellow circle

If you find a Pokemon that there is a yellow circle around it, it means you're dealing with Pokemon that has a high CP. CP is singkataan of Combat Power, the higher the CP, then the stronger the Pokemon. With so catch even more difficult.

5. Razz Berries and Ultra Master Balls

If you have reached a higher level, you can capitalize upon Razz Berries and Ultra Master Balls to increase strength, so it has more opportunities to get Pokemon. This icon will appear in PokeStop when you already high level. Razz Berries serves to facilitate capture Pokemon, and Ultra Balls will make a Pokemon Master is not easily blurred when it was captured.

6. Use incense

If you have a lot of spare time, mamfaatkan incense to get a bunch of Pokemon approaching. All players will get two pieces of incense in their backpacks. When you use you one, a set of Pekomon will approach you in the brackets 30 minutes.

7. Out of incense

If you run out of incense and did not want to spend money, come closer to PokeStop that are in place - a popular place. There is an item named Lure Module that you can buy at the store, Lure This module has the same function as incense kuraang more, only this item can only be used in PokeStop.

8. Transfer the same Pokémon to Professor.

If the list of Pokemon you've counted a lot, you could be transferring it to Professor Willow in exchange for a piece of candy. You can evolve Pokemunmu this way, but if you really want to have 40 head Doduo.

9. Eggs in Pokéstops

If you find an egg in Pokéstops, be sure to put in the incubator. You have an incubator in a backpack that holds the egg. When you walk, it will terinkubasi eggs to hatch, with you getting a new Pokemon!

Well so secret tips and tricks to play Pokemon Go may be useful for my friend , if there is one , or please correct deficiencies in the comments field in order to be my fix . Thank you!
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